Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bangin' Hitler's "Girl" and Another Man's Wife

Okay, it almost sounds like a bad joke, but we all know by now that JFK had a rare, disgusting talent for sleeping with every able-bodied female he came into contact with. Included in this list of beauties--and I do mean a beauty, as she was a former beauty queen--was Inga Arvad. Her name alone suggests a sultry siren. Danish and a former journalist for the Washington Times-Herald, Inga was also linked to Adolf Hitler. Though the two weren't romantic (Inga interviewed him twice in the 1930s), she was his companion during the 1936 Olympics, and he dubbed her the "perfect Nordic beauty." JFK must've agreed. Although this picture isn't 'authentic', it does give you a dreamy image of them together.

Oh, and that married woman JFK took turns with? The previously mentioned, divorced and remarried, Flo Pritchett. Oh, but Inga was married too (to Hungarian film director Paul Fejos). Busy, busy boy. Read more about JFK's sexual escapades in O! Jackie.

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